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How to solve " Error constructing a GDScriptInstance." in GDScript - Godot 4

Published: June 4, 2024

Last updated: June 14, 2024

  • error
  • GDscript

The `_create_instance: Error constructing a GDScriptInstance.` error happens when GDscript fails to construct an object for some reason.

Usually, that reason is that you have an object with an overwritten `_init()` function, like so:

extends Node
class_name YourCustomObject

_init(foo_parameter: String) -> void:

And then you try to create that object in the editor's inspector. The issue here is that you can't specify the `_init` parameter values in the editor.

There's two way to solve this issue:

1. Add default values to the `_init` parameters

extends Node
class_name YourCustomObject

_init(foo_parameter: String = '') -> void:

2. Remove the custom `_init` and rely on exported values instead

extends Node
class_name YourCustomObject
@export var foo_parameter: String

About the author

Hey there 👋

I'm Blaubessen, a web dev learning Godot. This website is my way of documenting my learnings, and hopefully be useful to other folks as well.

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